What are the chances that Susan, Suzanne, and Susannah all show up to the same class and are all doing their pull ups together and unassisted?
Ok, they staged this photo for me, obviously, but they did do all the pull ups of the workout unassisted. Good work ladies! They weren't the only ones doing unassisted pull ups today, but I couldn't pass up the name similarity.
Friday WOD
One Arm DL Right
One Arm High Pull Right
One Arm Swing Right
One Arm DL Left
One Arm High Pull Left
One Arm Swing Left
30 seconds each, rest 60 seconds between rounds, 3 rounds
Rest 3 minutes then
25 Push Ups
25 Walking Lunges
25 Push Presses
25 Band Rows
600m Run
2 Rounds
How do you describe being fit?
Doc D, how are your pull ups coming?
I missed some workouts due to vacation and laziness, but I am ready to take the challenge maybe next week I'll test myself. If I do great you will know.
Back in action. See you on Monday. 0600.
Good trip Sammy?
Trip was unreal! It would take hours to tell you about it.
I got a good pic of me wearing a Crossfit tee with a huge Glacier in the background.
Am I still welcome at the gym? I think we are making headway with sleep nowadays. Max is doing much better with the infant reflux. My wife would also like to come to the Elements class on Tuesday night.
Rob!! I thought you might have gotted lost in your backyard somewhere. See you soon.
Sammy, forward the photo when you get a chance.
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