Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy New Year

12/31/2007 WOD

Here's to a safe, healthy, happy, and strong New Year!


Jump Squats
Push Ups
Jumping Lunges
Sit Ups
8 Count Body Builders
Knee Outs
Mountain Climbers
In and Outs

Also, check out the story on Jen's Gym.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Caught - Red Handed

I guess Miso and Greg tried to teach the little ones about nutrition as we found them hiding behind the curtain on Friday morning. Good thing they still did some squats, pull ups, and rope climbs afterwards. They even found creative uses for the foam rollers!

12/29/2007 WOD

30 sec each movement
True Snatch Pulls
Push Ups
High Pulls
Pledge Push Ups
T Stabilization Push Ups
1 min rest

30 sec each movement
KB Front Squats
Sit Ups
Sit Ups
Threaded Lunges
Sit Ups
1 min rest

30 sec each movement
Right Side Plank
Mountain Climbers
Left Side Plank
Horizontal Flutter Kicks
1 min rest

3 rounds

Thursday, December 27, 2007

12/28/2007 WOD

This photo was not taken in the gym.



Jerks Right
Jerks Left
Hanging Straight Leg Raises
60 Sec Plank


Push Press Right
Push Press Left
Knees to Elbows
45 Sec Plank


Push Press Right
Push Press Left
Hanging Knee Raises
30 Sec Plank

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." -Gandhi

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

12/27/2007 WOD


10 Rounds

Not for time, focus on strength

3 Weighted Pull Ups
6 Heavy Kettlebell High Pulls
6 Weighted Push Ups
6 Suitcase Deadlifts (per side)

Sub in...

Pull Ups or Ring Rows for Weighted Pull Ups
Push Ups for Weighted Push Ups

Record the load used for each round.

"Begin with the end in mind" -S Covey

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Sharon's NC Turkey Trot 2007

It's time to work hard after a full day of eating and (drinking).


7 - 1 minute rounds of

Kettlebell Swings
Box Jumps
Renegade Rows
Slam Ball
Pressing Sit Ups
KB Snatches or High Pulls
Alternating Reverse Lunges

3 Rounds with 90 seconds rest between rounds

Merry Christmas Pam and Bella

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Twas The Workout Before...

12/24/2007 WOD


Overhead Walking Lunges
Push Ups
Jump Squats
Ring Rows or Pull Ups
Push Presses
High Pulls
Sandbag Burpees

Your goal during the workout is to use a heavier weight as the rep count goes down. If you start with a 10lb Med Ball for the first 30 OH Walking Lunges, your set of 20 reps should be completed with a 15lb Med Ball, and the last 10 reps should be completed with the 20lb Med Ball.

Push Ups, Jump Squats, and Ring Rows can be done with just bodyweight or weighted applying the same principle as above.


Friday, December 21, 2007

12/22/2007 WOD

Partner Workout

For the entire workout, Partner A works while Partner B rests, when Partner B works Partner A is resting.

Alternating every 30 seconds for 6 minutes. Rest only 1 minute between movement rounds.

1. One Arm Kettlebell High Pulls or Kettlebell Snatches

2. Double Push Presses

3. 8 Count Body Builders

4. Air Squats

5. Kettlebell Swings

For the last 6 minutes both partners work at the same time alternating between sit ups, flutter kicks, and plank variations.

Sit Ups - Right Side Plank - Sit Ups - Left Side Plank - Sit Ups - Forward Plank - Flutter Kicks - Right Side Plank - Flutter Kicks - Left Side Plank - Flutter Kicks - Forward Plank


While doing the first 5 movements try counting your reps and see if you and your partner have similar rep counts.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Week In Review

Damien likes soup.

Sam caught a cold.

The 12 Days has finally caught on.

9am class debates that Pamela's theme song is either 'Cold Hearted Bitch' or 'Hard Headed Woman'

Yes, there really are 4 rounds to the workout.

Damien still likes soup.

An Irish Car Bomb is not an ideal choice for the Zone.

Banana Pancakes however are an excellent post workout recovery meal.

Damien likes soup.

Hostility isn't the way.

Damien likes soup.

12/21/2007 WOD

30 sec of each...
Push Presses Right
High Pulls Right
Weighted Shoulder Squats Right
Push Presses Left
High Pulls Left
Weighted Shoulder Squats Left
4 rounds


Renegade Rows with a Push Up and Knee Tuck

60 sec work, 30 sec rest, 4 rounds


60 Weighted Walking Lunges

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Enter The Zone - To Guinness or JD

The Zone Diet breaks down the consumption of foods into three blocks: protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Ideally a 1:1:1 ratio of the three completes a total block. Mini blocks, blocks that do not have all three types, can also be calculated.

The mini block of protein is made up of 7 grams of protein. The mini block of carbohydrates is made up of 9 grams of carbohydrates. Lastly, the mini block of fat is made up of 3 grams of fat. Choosing your foods wisely allows you the benefit of consuming a large quantity of good for you foods versus small quantities of not so good for you foods.

The recent question of is it better to drink a pint of Guinness, a shot of Jack Daniels, or consume an Irish Car Bomb is finally being answered in regard to the Zone. First, and foremost, I must say we are not and do not suggest that any of the above mentioned beverages be consumed as a recovery drink, or on a regular basis.

As it turns out...

1 pint of Guinness is 2 blocks of carbohydrates

1 oz of JD is 0 blocks, however contains 70 calories

1 Irish Car Bomb, consisting of Guinness, Bailey's Irish Cream, and Jameson is 2.5 blocks of carbohydrates and 2 blocks of fat

Let this be a lesson learned to both the Irish and everyone else.

12/20/2007 WOD

4 - 1 minute rounds of

Squat Jumps on the Agility Ladder
Ring Rows
Lateral Cone Jumps
Ball Jacks
Sandbag Bear Hug Squats
KB True Snatch Pulls

Rest 90 seconds between rounds

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Olympic Lifting vs Power Lifting

Olympic Weightlifting

Prior to December 31, 1972, 3 lifts were contested in Olympic Weightlifting. The Clean & Press, the Snatch, and the Clean & Jerk. Now, only the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk are contested.

The snatch is a test of a weightlifter's speed and flexibility, in addition to his/her strength. A properly executed snatch takes about one second to pull the barbell from the floor to the overhead position.

The Clean & Jerk is a combination test of strength and flexibility. The Clean & Jerk allows the most amount of weight to be lifted overhead, it is considered the 'King' of all lifts.


Powerlifting is a strength sport consisting of 3 events, the Squat, the Bench Press, and the Deadlift.

The Squat is performed with the athlete standing under a racked bar that is loaded with weight. The athlete allows the bar to rest on the upper back or trapezius, a full squat is performed (thighs hit parallel) the athlete returns to full hip extension and the bar is returned to the rack.

The Bench Press is performed with the athlete lying on a bench under a racked bar that is loaded with weight. The athlete removes the bar from the rack, lowers it to chest level and then presses it with full elbow extension, and returns the bar to the rack position.

The Deadlift is performed with an athlete standing over a weighted bar. The athlete reached down to grasp the bar and lifts the bar until the knees and hips are fully extended and the back is upright. At the end of the lift the bar is lowered back to the ground under control.

In Olympic Weightlifting, the athlete raises the bar from the ground to the overhead position. Powerlifting movements are classified as shorter lifts. Olympic weightlifting tends to focus more directly on the rapid force produced by dynamic efforts.

Of course each movement in both sports have their own variations and can be performed with various tools.

12/19/2007 WOD

Weighted Step Ups
Med Ball Push Ups
Med Ball Squat Throws
Tuck Jumps
Hanging Straight Leg Raises
High Pulls

20 of each for 4 rounds for time. Focus on form.

Skill work: Snatches

Monday, December 17, 2007

Squat, Bench, and Deadlift

This is some really strong work for anyone let alone a 21 year old kid. He almost makes it look easy.

The King and His 961 kilos

You'd think that first DL lift only had 100 lbs on the bar until you see the bar bend on the lift.


3 Pull Ups
5 Presses Left/Right
5 Deadlifts
10 Weighted Sit Ups

10 Rounds

Sunday, December 16, 2007

12/17/2007 WOD

Today's WOD

20 KB Swings
20 Front Squats
20 KB Swings
20 Jumping Pull Ups
20 KB Swings
20 Box Jumps
20 KB Swings
20 Sit Ups
20 KB Swings
20 Ring Rows
20 KB Swings
20 Burpees
20 KB Swings
20 Slam Ball
20 KB Swings
20 Push Ups

What Do You Know About H I I T?

The folks who attended the HIIT workshop at CrossFit Jersey Shore with CrossFit Philly. This is after 5 hours of constant moving, and look, they're still smiling, some even wanted some more. Here's what they had to say...

"That was great!! Your High Intensity Interval Training workshop was
outstanding.I learned a lot, met some great people and had a lot of fun. I
was quite sore on Sunday but am anxious to hit the gym to "practice".Between
Crossfit Jersey Shore and Crossfit Philly you make a great team. Maybe I am
just a glutton for punishment but I would do that every month if you offered

"It was a great seminar yesterday (my body actually started feeling it earlier today... :) !!!
You were all so wonderful with the way you taught everything.....and with such a large group. GREAT JOB!
Thanks again for allowing me to attend...."

You won't want to miss the next one.


Rest up today, do some chores, or even watch some football, tomorrow's WOD is going to be intense!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Keep Smiling Sammy!

Just when you think the filthy fifty can't be much harder...Sammy smiles through the whole thing!

With the new year fast approaching and holiday parties tempting your patterns of perfect nutrition, what are some of the fitness goals you plan on attaining in the next 4-6 months? Please share with us, whether it's adding 75lbs to your deadlift, increasing your pull up numbers, or finally getting a muscle up, let us know what it is.


Box Jumps

Perform all reps, 10-8-6-4-2 on the left side before you switch the right side. So, it looks like 10 snatches left, 10 cleans left, 10 swings left, 10 box jumps, 8 snatches left, 8 cleans left, 8 swings left, 8 box jumps, down to 2 of each. Rinse and repeat on the right.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Training Update / Reminder

Starting next week, Monday, December 17th, we will no longer hold the 6am class at the Old City location. Instead we are replacing it with Open Gym time on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 6:00am to 9:00am at the Mt. Airy location.

Open Gym simply means that on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between the hours of 6:00am and 9:00am you can come in and do the workout of the day, one of it's prescribed variations, and practice skill work. The workouts will not be lead in the traditional class style but instruction will still be available. You must be a member for at least one month before you can use the Open Gym hours. All workouts will need to be completed before 9:00am.

Holiday Hours

Monday, December 24th - Open Gym, 9am Class, Noon Class

Tuesday, December 25th - Closed

Monday, December 31st - Open Gym, 9am Class, Noon Class

Tuesday, January 1st - Closed

All other class times are as scheduled.


5 minutes on the clock
30 sec of KB Swings
30 sec of KB Front Squats

6 minutes on the clock
30 sec of Push Presses Right
30 sec of Push Presses Left
30 sec of KB High Pulls

6 minutes on the clock
60 sec of Burpees with a Jump
60 sec of Reverse Lunges

5 minutes on the clock
30 sec of Sit Ups
30 sec of Push Ups

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Greg's 12 Days of Crossfit

1 - Burpee Pull-Up
2- Turkish Get-Ups
3- Knees to Elbows
4- Wall Ball Shots
6- Box Jumps
7- Push Presses
8- Med Ball Cleans
9- Double Unders
10- Jumping Lunges
11- Standard Push-Ups
12- High- Pulls

So the first round is just one burpee pullup. Then the second round is 2 turkish get-ups and 1 burpee pull up. The third is 3 Knees to elbows, 2 turkish get-ups and 1 burpee pull up. This continues so that the 12th round incorporates all 12 movements.

Also, here's a video of Greg doing a Muscle-up on our Fat Rings.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

BE with CrossFit Philly

Experience BE Monograms tonight in Chestnut Hill.

If you complete a pull up test at CrossFit Philly Molly will give you 10% off your order during tonight's shopping of Chestnut Hill's Stag & Doe night.

Monday, December 03, 2007

12/03 Old City Class Update

We apologize for the inconvenience, but the 6am class in Old City is cancelled for Monday 12/03.