Just when you think the filthy fifty can't be much harder...Sammy smiles through the whole thing!
With the new year fast approaching and holiday parties tempting your patterns of perfect nutrition, what are some of the fitness goals you plan on attaining in the next 4-6 months? Please share with us, whether it's adding 75lbs to your deadlift, increasing your pull up numbers, or finally getting a muscle up, let us know what it is.
Box Jumps
Perform all reps, 10-8-6-4-2 on the left side before you switch the right side. So, it looks like 10 snatches left, 10 cleans left, 10 swings left, 10 box jumps, 8 snatches left, 8 cleans left, 8 swings left, 8 box jumps, down to 2 of each. Rinse and repeat on the right.
Ha! Funny.
Ever since Fox Philly showed up I have been concerned about the development of my butt. I think I'd like our 6AM workouts to really focus on the gluteus area. I know Damien mentioned having great abs for this summer, but the butt is where it counts.
Somehow I just knew that if I posted anything about mentioning goals I'd get some funny commentary from one of the 6amers.
Goals for the '08: 1)wipe that smile off Sam's face 2)Increase my rest intervals b/t sets (just kidding) 3) Lose 30 lbs by 6/1/08 4) One hand snatch 135 barbell 5) one muscle up 6) accept the fact that Pam will never bring food to the 6am (those bogus chocolates don't count) 7) Beat Rich in a workout (for time- no violence) 8) Help Rob focus on his butt.....
Fine I'll bring some soup.
I'm working on snatching the 24kg KB 40/40, currently at 23/25. I'm going to also finally get a muscle up!
08' Goals for SNL-
Muscle up!
JCB-- what are your goals?
The last time I DL'd was 295, so I'm also going to work toward 350-360.
If Pam is going to work on her DL max, count me in...I left Chicago with a single lift of 365 but also heard a lot of crackling in my lower back and proceeded to have to take a week off. Thankfully Jack Daniels and Aleve are a good recovery combo!
all this talk about max DL is getting me psyched. can i join? and does anyone want to work on the other O-Lifts with me? apparently a 285 snatch should be a goal of mine.
I'd like to join in on any o-lifting. Count me in if we can have a training day each week.
The O-Lifts can be something to work on. I never did reach my Barbell Snatch goal last year.
Rob, as long as you don't use any JD as a recovery tool you can do some O-Lifting.
Greg, 285 is a strong number to work toward.
I'll leave the JD post workout recovery regimen to the pros. It's up there with the Grapefruit 45 diet and anything that Mike Farrell sells on late night tv.
hold on...what's wrong with a JD post-workout recovery program?
and 285 it is.
JD is not a part of the Zone Diet, so we are not supposed to mention it even though it's a dirty little Kettlebell Athletics secret!
Any reason for 285 specifically?
1.5 times BW
is a pint of guinness part of the Zone Diet?
I think Guinness makes the Zone Diet because it has each of the four major food groups, but then you can't have another one for 24 hours...that's not good, especially if you want JD for dessert.
Clearly I haven't consulted with the two of you on nutrition yet.
What if we exchange the pint for a car bomb. less Guinness makes up for the shot of Jameson and Baily's and it's like dinner and dessert in one; a high intensity recovery drink for a high intensity workout.
A car bomb is not enough...JD and a PowerBar...it's like little chocolate doughnuts for breakfast....a champion's meal
Sounds like The Irish vs The Alcoholics
Well, I'm Scottish by descent so that puts me on the side that is non-Irish...That reminds me...I'll have to wear my kilt to the next workout...
Rob, half of me can't talk to you.
That must be the half that put the Mac in Macelree...or the Pam in Pamela?
there seems to be a lot of hostility here. I think we should calm things down with a nice cold pint....or two.
It's the part that put the Mac in MacElree. Ironically the other part that can talk to you is Scottish. Buggers crossed the channel at some point.
But I guess since it's the holidays I'll take Greg's lead and cut back on the hostility.
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