Just want to say thank you to everyone who was able to make it down to the Art Museum on Sunday morning for the Juvenile Diabetes Walk, and to those who made donations. I am thankful for your support.
We also ran in to several old clients who stopped by the table to say hi. Judy S and Kevin D we're glad to see you're doing so well.
Monday WOD
For 10 minutes work on your pull ups.
Do pull ups, or use the band for assisted pull ups, work on negatives, hold yourself at the top of the bar, etc.
60 seconds at each movement
Box Jumps
KB High Pulls
Deep In and Outs
8 Count Body Builders
Band Rows
Push Presses (30/30)
Flutter Kicks
Mountain Climbers
2 Rounds, 1 Minute rest between rounds
Anyone watching
game 5 out tonight?
Anybody see this on MSN?
yeah, a Stadium lot with TV's
Deep in & outs?
8 count BB's?
Kate, Interesing find.
Brooks, That'll be a blast!
Jay, In and Outs = start with feet together jump out into a full squat, jump up for feet to come back together. 8 Counts = Burpee, feet out, then together, then push up.
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