Looking at getting the Mexico training trip scheduled. The exact location is Akumel. The tentative dates are Jan 22-26, 2009. Airfare and meals would be on your own. Accomodations and training would be an additional cost. Those interested need to email me, pamela AT crossfitphilly.com by December 10th if interested.
Friday WOD
1A) Renegade Rows 10 x 5/5
1B) Double Front Squats 10 x 10
2A) KB Burpee Deadlifts 10 x 5
2B) Elevated Push Ups 10 x 10
Tequila and Kettlebells
sounds memorable
Curses, Pam! No plans to reschedule for later in the spring??
Kate, a wise woman once said, "Don't offer so many options, pick a plan and stick to it." Or something along those lines.
What are you doing that weekend anyway?
Although...If this trip goes well, I would certainly be up for another one.
I have a prior engagement
what's a kettlebell burpee deadlift?
Do a burpee with your hands on the kettlebell, as you jump back from the burpee land with your feet to either side of the kettlebell and perform a Deadlift.
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