Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Room

First workout in the new space...
4 Rounds of...
KB Hand to Hand Swings
Box Jumps
Agility Rings
Push Presses
Single Leg Hip Bridges
Reverse Lunges
1 minute of each.
Work on dips.
Thanks again to everyone that helped with the move and set up this weekend, as well as those who helped with the renovations in the weeks leading up to this. We hope you enjoy it as much as we will.
I am coming to a RARE Monday class. See you at 9!
Oh man! I was going to hit up the 6am tomorrow. Oh well, I'll still probably see you at 9am.
The new space is so nice and has a great feel to it. Thank you for all your hard work on this.
Yes, it feels like home already and looks beautiful.
Thanks Ladies, glad you like it!
Truly impressive! Congratulations!!
Erik, Hope you two, I mean three, will be on the East Coast sometime soon to check it out.
are there cubbies? I dont see cubbies!!!
I cant wait to check it out tomorrow night!
Angie there will be cubbies, just not yet. So excited about the cubbies... See you tomorrow night!
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