Friday, February 06, 2009

Second to Last Saturday!

It's our second to last Saturday at our original location, enjoy todays workout! Next Saturday's workout will be informal and consist of lots of farmer's walks, 800m runs, lifting heavy stuff, and lots more farmer's walks. (Meaning we're moving, and if you'd like to help that'd be awesome.) Also if you're helping with painting and odds-n-ends tomorrow, we'll be there at noon.

You have 3 minutes to complete the following...

KB or DB Snatch 5/5
2 Handed High Pull 10
Burpee 15
Pledge Push Up 10

If you finish in 2 minutes you have 1 minute of rest. If you do not finish start over at the top.


Erik said...

This is awesome, Pam. Do you repeat rounds, or just one time through?

Pamela MacElree said...

Hey Erik! Looks like I left that part out. Its 10 rounds, so a 30 min workout.

Erik said...

We miss you! The space looks awesome! Might try this one today!

Rich said...

Umm.. Eric, good luck! that kicked my ASS.. I'm just saying... Hope all is well...

Pamela MacElree said...

To All...If you're reading this and don't have plans for Sunday and want to help work on the gym. I'll be there from 9am to 5pm if you'd like something to do.

Pamela MacElree said...

ps to Rich -

It had to be a good one since it's the last Saturday one.

Although the very last one should also be good, bittersweet but good.