Thursday, February 19, 2009

Get Ready for Gavin

JCB carries Gavin. When it warms up be ready to take Gavin for a few walks.

Pull Ups 3-5 reps depending on your strength
Front Squat 5L / 5R
Renegade Rows 5L / 5R
Lateral Lunges 10L / 10R

10 Rounds


Brooks A said...

Sam, Pam

My ride to the mountains is leaving thurs night instead of fri morning, can we do the workout wed night? Or when is good?

Sam Lepore said...

I am ok with that. Pam?

Let's try and get an audience.

Pamela MacElree said...

That could work...I guess I can stay late two nights in a row.

Yeah, we might need some spectators, since KB hell isn't until Thursday.

Erica said...

is just moving kb hell an option?

Pamela MacElree said...

It could be just so long as most people know.