Finally!! A photo of Amanda's new sneakers. She admits being attached to the old pair, but gave them up this year for her continued success and the awesome progress she's made over the past several months in her training. Good Job Amanda!
1/15/2008 WOD
3 One Arm Deadlifts Left/Right
3 Heavy Push Presses Left/Right
5 Alternating Renegade Rows (per side)
5 Hanging Straight Leg Raises
10 Rounds for Form
"Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it." -Albert Einstein
Are the deadlifts done with a barbell? I assume you can either do the push presses with a db or kb? thanks for the help!
Sweet kicks!
I like One-armed DLs with a kettlebell but I don't know what Pam and Jason have in mind
I like One-armed DLs too,except when using the gripper.
Gripper(noun); tool used to make all things impossible.
Dawn, what is this Gripper and why does it make things impossible?
The one arm DLs are usually done with the heavier kettlebells. Yes, you can do push presses with a DB or KB.
Greg, Dawn is talking about the revolving handle that we attach to the handle of the KBs for one arm DLs. It's great grip work. Don't worry you can use it if you want.
Dr D used the Gripper this morning and didn't like it at all. I tried it after him and thought it was great!
Do they come in different sizes? I think Dr D would like it better if he could fit his hand around It... He's got a small grip in comparison to my bear sized paws.
Being a redneck dude living in Ohio (not having access to your great facility and toys) I only bring this up because the heaviest kettlebell I own is 24kg. I just want to make sure I substitute accordingly to get the same benefit.
Brutus43, Still use your 24kg, but if you have some rope or a towel, you could thread one of these through the handle to make the grip more challenging. So the ends of the rope or the towel would exit out of your hand on the thumb side.
You could also add an extra rep or two of the one arm DLs.
I know the "Gripper" as the Rolling Thunder. Rich only loved it b/c he used it for one set (it is your grip on reality that makes me nervous). In open gym we can hook it to the chin up bar and send Rob up there to do pullups (one hand on the bar, one on the Gripper). Very Nasty.
Brutus, Like Pam said thread a towel b/t 2 kettlebells and then you have a much heavier set (and the towel/rope is harder to hold).
And Sam where was your IPOD, I could have used some nice DMB this morning.
Hey Dr D - all I said was I TRIED the "Gripper"! I didn't do the entire workout using it because you were using it. I also didn't do the entire workout doing 10 reps each of the hanging leg raises! At least I have a firm grip on the number of reps in the WOD!
D. Flashdancer out..
We'll be getting much larger "Grippers" soon. I also have an evil "gripper-esque thingy in the works.
"gripper-esque thingy"?
Let me guess, Is that Pam blogging under Jason's login again?
You only wish you could blame the evil gripper-esque thingy on me, but it is pretty evil, I can't wait til it's all set up and ready to use.
The evil "gripper-esque thingy" sounds like fun!
Thank you guys for keeping the workouts so varied. I've been coming to CrossFit since you guys opened the doors and it still amazes me that you keep coming up with new ways to challenge us. Love it!
D. Flasher,
It isn't reading I have trouble with, its the comprehension. So I did 50 extra ab movements, when I get my washboard abs, you'll be sorry (they should be here already, but there have been problems on their end with shipping).
I'll be interested to see this evil grippy thing. I got rid of the lifting straps awhile ago when I realized they were hampering the whole grip strength thing. I'd also like to take up Doc D's challenge/idea on the Rolling Thunder pull ups...I'll try to make it tomorrow AM...still not a hundred percent as far as the cold goes, but the eye looks a lot better.
By the way, who is planning on going in tomorrow AM? Mr. Flasher? Doc? Sam? Dawn? Demo Man?
Rob, i'll be there. I'm not sure how early though.
I hope the Gripper fits on my wrecking ball.
Demo Man out...
Greg, let me know your plan of action. I'm aiming for 7AM...
Dr D, how do you confuse that? Just curious.
Rich, thanks for the kind words, we're glad you're still with us even though you've taken on the new name of Dick Flashdancer.
Pull ups on the revolving handle is hard, you don't get to choose where your grip goes, same as during the DLs.
Greg, the new gripper-esque thing that JCB is talking about might just fit a wrecking ball.
I guess I'll see the 6amers next week, when I'm back on mornings. No slacking when I'm not there...Got it!
Rob, how good are you feeling?
I was thinking we could battle the WOM. Otherwise I wanted to get some skills work in and then do the WOD. I want to work on my kipping but it depends on the WOD. In either case I'll be in there around 7
I was confused b/c I can't see the board if I sit in the back of class (its a glasses issue like school). I'll be back on Wed
If you guys do the WOM, I'm going to have to come in and hang out and see if it causes the both of you as much pain and sufferring as it has caused the women.
I'll have to hold off on the WOM. Not feeling that good. I'll do some skills and the WOD. Rich wants to be in at 6AM, but I'll stick around and do some DLs with the Raging Thunder if you get in at 7AM.
see you at 6am. ipod if you want. Barry Manilow, etc
Do you need a boombox for the IPod? I'll bring mine, just won't be DJing it for you...Doc D has that job
I will see everyone on Thurs. rest day tommorow
no boom box.
gotcha. see you in the AM
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