Wednesday, January 30, 2008

1/31/2008 WOD

1/31/2008 WOD

Set the timer for 8 minutes with 1 minute rest.

Station 1:
Box Jumps
Ring Rows

Station 2:
Alternating Reverse Lunges
Pledge Push Ups

Station 3:
MB Throws/Wall Ball
Broad Jumps

Station 4:
Sit Ups

Spend 8 minutes at each station. At each station alternate between the two movements every minute for the full 8 minutes. Rest 1 minute between stations.

For example: If you start with Station 1, you'll do 1 minute of Box Jumps, then 1 minute of Ring Rows, for a total of 8 minutes. When the 8 minutes is up Rest for 1 minute. Continue with the same working protocol for the remaining 3 stations.

"You see things, and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and say, 'Why not?' -George Bernard Shaw

1 comment:

Pamela MacElree said...

On all things not related to training and American Gladiators... This might be of interest to some of you for submitting your taxes.