Tuesday, September 12, 2006

09/12/06 WOD

5 Dips

10 Pull Ups

15 Rows

20 Push Ups

3 Rounds


Pamela MacElree said...

I didn't do this one today, sorry guys. Did CFHQ's 'Filthy Fifty' instead. 24:02.

Pamela MacElree said...

Sure, its awesome to do push ups with a plate. What weight are you using? Let us know how the filthy fifty goes.

Pamela MacElree said...

Jay, Nice work on this one.

Jodi, The weight of the plate and the reps will depend mostly on what you are trying to accomplish. Send your husband and his friend over, tell them we don't bite. Ha ha. Hope you can come down for a visit soon.

As for our WODs, we're working on a plan to compile a few of the best. Yes, there are several types of leg lifts. Generally we are doing them on the floor, raising straight legs off the floor about a foot or less and back down without touching the floor.