Sam attempted a jumping pull up on the rope in a way that we usually don't perform them and all three men came tumbling down. Bella seems equally unimpressed.
WOD 5 Rounds 25 Sit Ups 5 Deadlifts 15 Squats 10 Ring Rows
30 Two Handed Swings 30 Hanging Straight Leg Raises 30 Right Arm Swings 30 Blurpees 30 Left Arm Swings 30 Slam Ball 30 Hand to Hand Swings 30 Box Jumps 30 American Swings 30 Aligator Push Ups 30 Walking Swings 30 OH Walking Lunges 30 Lateral Walking Swings Right 30 Med Ball Cleans 30 Lateral Walking Swings Left 30 Knees to Elbows
February Challenge Workout
10 Pull Ups 10 Ring Rows 5 Pull Ups 5 Ring Rows 100 Jumping Lunges
10 Pull Ups 10 Ring Rows 5 Pull Ups 5 Ring Rows 100 Box Jumps
10 Pull Ups 10 Ring Rows 5 Pull Ups 5 Ring Rows 100 Squats
10 Pull Ups 10 Ring Rows 5 Pull Ups 5 Ring Rows 100 Walking Lunges
10 Pull Ups 10 Ring Rows 5 Pull Ups 5 Ring Rows 100 Deep In & Outs
30 Snatches Right 30 Thrusters Right Run 400m 30 Snatches Left 30 Thrusters Left Run 400m 30 Push Presses Right 30 Swings Right Run 800m 30 Push Presses Left 30 Swings Left Run 800m 30 High Pulls Right 30 Jerks Right Run 400m 30 High Pulls Left 30 Jerks Left Run 400m
May Challenge Workout
100 Box Jumps 100 Snatches, from the floor, alternating hands 50 Sit Ups 100 Med Ball Cleans, ball touches ground 100 Double Push Presses 50 Sit Ups 100 Ring Rows 100 Walk Over Push Ups
Greg's 12 Days of CrossFit Workout
1 Burpee Pull Up 2 Turkish Get Ups 3 Knees to Elbows 4 Wall Ball 5 KB SWINGS 6 Box Jumps 7 Push Presses 8 Med Ball Cleans 9 Double Unders 10 Jumping Lunges 11 Push Ups 12 High Pulls
I always miss the good photo ops...
Rhino- you left so fast looked like you were trying to steal something.
Were you smuggling a Kettlebell in your trousers?
Yeah, and it wasn't even staged, that photo was 'in action'.
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