Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Thank You!

We'd like to thank who ever was responsible for nominating CrossFit Philly to My Fox Philly as one of the best in the business, Health and Fitness - Gym category.

This truly solidifies to us, that our community is one of the best out there. Thank you for being a part of our lives, and making work an enjoyable experience every day.

Here's the voting link for CrossFit Philly the Best Gym in Philadelphia.

-Pamela and Jason


Jay Mills said...

C'mon Pam, you know where my vote went first thing in the morning.

Pamela MacElree said...

Apparently Jay voted for some mainstream, mirrored hall, where guys grunt over bicep curls and seated leg presses.

Not really but that's the running joke for the day.

Sam Lepore said...

We are winning by a LANDSLIDE!

Ever find out who nominated CF Philly?

Pamela MacElree said...

Haven't found out yet.

Keep the votes coming, we've got until September before the 'polls' close.