Tuesday, July 25, 2006

07/25/06 WOD

Last night's team workout looked like this...
100 Swings
50 Push Presses
200 BW Squats
25 Pull Ups / 100 Jumping Pull Ups
100 Sit Ups
50 Burpees
1 Mile Run
Try it individually.


Pamela MacElree said...

Hi Carnie

Here's what it looked like for me today.

100 KB Swings with the 16kg
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats
25 Burpees
100 Squats
25 Burpees
25 Kipping Pull Ups
50 Push Presses with 15lb DBs

Didn't have my sneakers for the run but subbed in 7 minutes straight on the agility ladder.

Pamela MacElree said...

Hey Rich,
That one was actually my idea, Jason tends to say that I'm crazy. Glad you enjoyed it.