Sunday, July 09, 2006

07/09/06 WOD

400m walk with shouldered sandbag
20 push ups
400m farmers walk
15 push ups
400m overhead walk
10 push ups
400m zercher walk
5 push ups


Pamela MacElree said...

Yes, we do test out the workouts as well as several variations of them.

This one was a variation that we did but I don't remember the time, will have to do it tomorrow and will post the time for you.

They stared more strangely when we did fireman carries.

Pamela MacElree said...

Cathy, I'll do them with you.

Jay, for the zercher position hold the sandbag or tool at chest level and support it between your upper arm and forearm. We did this at the ECKB Conference.

Erik, be careful what you volunteer people for.

Pamela MacElree said...

Very true Erik, but the comedic relief is great too.

My time on this WOD 18:00 minutes with the 40lb sandbag.