Tuesday, July 11, 2006

07/11/06 WOD

4 Rounds
25 Clean, Front Squat, Thruster Complex
50 Walking Lunges
25 High Pulls


Pamela MacElree said...

Hi Cathy,

No tried with the 4 minute weighted plank, could be interesting to say the least.


One of your lovely daughters informed of us your absence over the next few weeks, and we are saddened :(

No need to look like a sugar cookie at the beach. Last time I was at the beach I ran aprox 400 m did a set of squats, ran 400 m did a set of push ups, ran 400 m and did a set of reverse lunges, just alternating bodyweight drills.

Jason C. Brown said...


You're an inspiration. I'll be down the beach next week to see the huge holes you dug from doing thousands of Mountain Climbers.


I woudl imgaine so also.