Friday, February 09, 2007

Polar Bear Swim

Polar Bear Swim: Location: Long Beach New York. Air Temp: 15 (Wind Chill 7). Water Temp 37
10 Push Ups
20 Squats
30 Sit Ups
6 Rounds

1 comment:

Pamela MacElree said...

Here's a post from Carnage, he couldn't access the page today, but wanted to share this...

I have been thinking long and hard about an appropriate challenge, and
I think I have come up with a good program. This challenge will test
all three muscle groups, namely the upper body, the abs and the legs
1) 10 pullups

2) 200 burpess in 15 minutes. (If Susan can do 300 burpees, this
should be doable).

3) 200 "Executives" in 10 minutes. The executive is an exercise I have
designed myself. It consists of sitting on one of the step up
platforms (the middle level ones) and then standing up without using
your arms.