Tuesday, February 28, 2006

2/28/06 WOD

5 - 1 minute rounds of:
box jumps
push ups

Friday, February 24, 2006


WOD provided by Patrick Rigsby of www.fitsystemstraining.com

15 Thrusters
12 Pull-Ups
20 Two Arm Swings

4 Rounds for time.

Thanks Pat.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Split Jerk

2/23/06 WOD
10L/R High Pulls
5 dips
8L/R High Pulls
4 dips
6L/R High Pulls
3 dips
4L/R High Pulls
2 dips
2L/R High Pulls
1 dip

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Who will be first to muscle up?

We're taking contenders?
2/21/06 WOD
In 20 minutes, how many rounds can you complete?
5 dips
10 pull ups
15 high pulls
20 push ups

Monday, February 20, 2006

2/20/2006 WOD

With a pair of KBs or DBs
2 Rounds of:
30 walking lunges
10 l/r rows
30 walking lunges
10 l/r pressess
30 walking lunges
20 alternating rows
30 walking lunges
20 alternating press
The walking lunges are weighted.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

2/19/06 WOD

60 swings
30 jumping pull ups
50 swings
25 jumping pull ups
40 swings
20 jumping pull ups
30 swings
15 jumping pull ups
20 swings
10 jumping pull ups
10 swings
5 jumping pulls up

Friday, February 17, 2006

Mother and Daughter Team Up at CFP

2/17/06 WOD
2 Rounds of:
10 Presses L/R
30 Alternating Swings
10 Push Presses L/R
30 Alternating Swings
10 Jerks L/R
30 Alternating Swings

Use 3 different weight increments, lightest for the presses, heaviest for the jerks. The weight that is used for the overhead work should be the weight that you use for the swings.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Fight Gone Bad

The Wanderers Running Club had a date with 5 rounds of a Fight Gone Bad variation last night and kicked some major butt. Awesome job to all, we hope to see you again soon.
2/16/06 WOD
4 rounds for time of:
20 swings
10 pull ups
5 dips

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

2/15/06 WOD

40 bw squats
40 presses 20L/20R
40 lunges 20L/20R
40 swings 20L/20R
40 box jumps
40 high pulls 20L/20R
40 sit ups
40 push ups

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

New Apparel

We are accepting orders for our brand new sweatshirts and women's tank tops. We will be placing an order on February 24, 2005. If you are interested in ordering please order by Wednesday, February 22, 2006.


Monday, February 13, 2006

02/13/06 WOD

Another Tuesday Night at CrossFit Camp!
1 min jump rope
5 L/R clean & press
1 min jump rope
10 L/R high pulls
1 min jump rope
5 L/R snatches
1 min jump rope
20 swings
3 rounds

Friday, February 10, 2006

Group Workout at CFP

This is a reminder that there is a group workout that will benefit the American Heart Association at CrossFit Philly tomorrow, Saturday morning at 10am.
Donations are tax deductible.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Philly's Newest CrossFitter

With a weight that is challenging, complete the following
20 L/R High Pulls
20 Push Ups
18 L/R High Pulls
18 Push Ups
16 L/R High Pulls
16 Push Ups
Work your way down to 2.
Post to comments.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Group Workout February 11th

It's been a long two months since we've had everyone at CFP for a group workout. On the 11th we'll be having the next one, and its mostly kettlebell based. This month is Heart Awareness Month and the workout has been specifically designed so that it is easy to get pledges per rep for the American Heart Association. Check out the details on the site. Hope to see you there.