Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A Message for Michael Moore

Look at all the Sams mountain biking this weekend!

Got this email the other day, proposing a Challenge for the Infamous Michael Moore.

"I told you on Friday I had something up my sleeve for Michael Moore.

So I've come up with something to create positive change. But this is going to require your help in a big way.

Please check out http://MichaelMooreHealthChallenge.com

And don't just dismiss this. This can do a lot of good for the health of millions and improve the perception of fitness professionals in the minds of the public nationwide.

Oh, and don't feel left out if you're not an American. As you know, we can use all the help we can get. "

Check out the link, let us and everyone else know what you think.


10 Dbl KB Clean & Jerk
5 Pull Ups

5 Times

10 Box Jumps
20 Walking Lunges

5 Times


Jay Mills said...

Any of you mountain bikers ever head north to go riding...like Jim Thorpe area?

If you're interested or already do, look me up.

Summer vball is pretty much wrapped up & I'm looking to put on some major miles...

Pamela MacElree said...

Sharon has been riding in JT. I'd love to do it, but I'd need to borrow a bike as mine isn't for that terrain.

Sam Lepore said...

I would love to head to Jim Thorpe. I recently asked JCB about it.