Thursday, December 21, 2006

Holiday Schedule

Monday, December 25th - Closed

Tuesday, December 26th - 6am Old City, 6am Mt. Airy, 9am Mt. Airy, 7pm Mt. Airy

Wednesday, December 27th - 6am Old City, 9am Mt. Airy, 630pm Mt. Airy

Thursday, December 28th - 6am Old City, 6am Mt. Airy, 9am Mt. Airy, 7pm Mt. Airy

Friday, December 29th - Closed

Monday, January 1st - Closed

Have a wonderful holiday!


Pamela MacElree said...

You'd be the first!

We've had a few people do twice a day once or twice, but three would be something to talk about.

Would your training buddy do it with you??

LadyAdmin said...

I won't be here next week, will be heading to NC to visit my family and friends. I might have to do a couple of sessions at CrossFit Raleigh. Happy holidaze everyone!

Pamela MacElree said...

If Jason instructs all of the classes one day, I'll take a CFP tour with everyone! Of course you'll have to do it twice so he can partake the second time around.

A little CFP social, nice idea Erik, keep us posted on the details, I'll do my best to attend.

Rich said...

I'm in for the tour... Provided we don't do any burpees... or mountain climbers... or squats of any variation.... or push ups, or pull ups... or running, definately no running.... ; )

Mixer sounds fun...

wil19148 said...

Hey all - just getting back to the blog.
1) sorry i missed the mixer - hope y'all had fun
2)i see that Dan already did a tour... since Pam and Sam laid the gauntlet down that means I'll have to as well... Sam you're on the hook. name the date.