Friday, December 22, 2006

Gathering of All Who Love CrossFit Philly

That's right! Erik had a great idea for anyone and everyone who enjoys CFP as much as some of you do, celebrate a year of fitness passed and an even better year of fitness to come.

Date: Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Time: 9ish (in the evening)

Where: Continental Midtown (18th and Chestnut) top roof deck

Come and celebrate the holidays! Its an open invitation, we hope to see you there!


LadyAdmin said...

I'll not be in town that week, but have fun! Show the masses how fit people drink!

Lauri said...

I think this is a great plan, and I'll see you there!

Pamela MacElree said...

We'll mention it during the classes this week and I'll try to remember to write it up on the white board.

Jason said...

Great Idea. I am already working late though, so I might not make it. Have fun.

LadyAdmin said...

How did the gathering go? I hate I missed it, but I went to CrossFit Raleigh and got my forearms toasted in honor!