Friday, December 29, 2006

New Year, New Month, January Workout

January's CrossFit Camp starts on January 2nd. Two locations, Mt. Airy and Old City.
Visit for all the details and to sign up today!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Dan's Tour

He did it! The first tour has been completed. Nice work Dan.

Proper rest and proper nutrition between workouts.

6am, 9am, 7pm

Will He Do It?

We've had those rare individuals who have made it to 5 workouts in a row. We've also had those rare individuals who have come to a morning workout and then again to an evening one.

We have yet to have someone even dare to take the CrossFit Philly Tour. It's been talked about, it's been blogged about it, but we've yet to see it actually happen. Watch out because it might just happen today.

Dan M aka OC showed up for the regular 6am Old City workout this morning, busting on Sam, I might add for not being there. Then just as we're about ready to start the 9am Mt Airy workout in walks OC, grinning because he might pull out the tour today, and evereyone knows it.

Will he do it? Stay tuned...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Holidays!!!

We'll see everyone soon. Have a great holiday. I wish we had snow!!!!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Gathering of All Who Love CrossFit Philly

That's right! Erik had a great idea for anyone and everyone who enjoys CFP as much as some of you do, celebrate a year of fitness passed and an even better year of fitness to come.

Date: Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Time: 9ish (in the evening)

Where: Continental Midtown (18th and Chestnut) top roof deck

Come and celebrate the holidays! Its an open invitation, we hope to see you there!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Holiday Schedule

Monday, December 25th - Closed

Tuesday, December 26th - 6am Old City, 6am Mt. Airy, 9am Mt. Airy, 7pm Mt. Airy

Wednesday, December 27th - 6am Old City, 9am Mt. Airy, 630pm Mt. Airy

Thursday, December 28th - 6am Old City, 6am Mt. Airy, 9am Mt. Airy, 7pm Mt. Airy

Friday, December 29th - Closed

Monday, January 1st - Closed

Have a wonderful holiday!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

From Left to Right

Rich,Erik and Sam. You decide.Do a ton of pull-ups today.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Who is this mystery man?

100 Squats
100 Sit-ups
100 Back Extensions

2 Rounds for time.

Friday, December 15, 2006

This one is tough !

10 Snatches R - 10 Snatches L (or High-Pulls)
20 Two-Arm Swings
20 Push-ups
9 Snatches R- 9 Snatches L
18 Two-Arm Swings
18 Push-ups
Work by 1 all the way down to:
1 Snatch R-1 Snatch L
2 Swings
2 Push-ups.

For time.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

"Bring a Friend Day"

Don't forget Wednesdays are "Bring a Friend Day" to CrossFitPhilly. We love meeting your friends and family so don't be shy. Stand up and be counted !

12/12/06 WOD

10 Rounds
3 Jerks
3 Pull Ups
3 Rows
3 Deadlifts

Monday, December 11, 2006

12/11/06 WOD

50 reps of each for time:
Tuck Jumps
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Mountain Climbers
Rest 2 minutes
30 reps of each for time:
Tuck Jumps
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Mountain Climbers

Friday, December 08, 2006

Team 0600 Old City

As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:

5 high-pulls right/5 high-pulls left
10 Swings
Wheel Barrel walk 60ft.

Eric and Dan- 5
Laura and Diana-4
Lauri and Sara - 5
Goose and Wil- 5
Chey and Janine- 3
Rich and Sam- 5
Kathy and Ires- 3

Here's the video:

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Strange Things Happen at Crossfit Philly !

I'm not sure how this happened. I was really tired after our workout today and I layed face down on the mat. When I got up this image remained. No Lie!

First Marathon...

Good Job Sharon! We're proud of your accomplishments. Keep up all of your hardwork.
100 High Pulls
100 Reverse Lunges
50 Push Ups
80 High Pulls
80 Reverse Lunges
40 Push Ups
60 High Pulls
60 Reverse Lunges
30 Push Ups
40 High Pulls
40 Reverse Lunges
20 Push Ups
20 High Pulls
20 Reverse Lunges
10 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Yet Another Place To Run

Some members who live closer to downtown will be running this Thursday at 6am, no specific distance, 30-45 minutes, at your own pace.

This run is being organized by Janine and Wil.

Meet in the Great Plaza at Penn’s Landing, 6am.

Be prepared to run at your own pace for 30-45 minutes. It’s an all-abilities run – meaning don’t stay home b/c you think you’re slow. Come on out and join us.

Who's Your Training Partner?

6 Rounds
20 Box Jumps
20 Reverse Lunges, 10 per leg
10 Step Ups, 5 per leg
10 Squats

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Real Pamela

All you Mount Airy folk are dillusionional. This is what Pamela was doing at Old City yesterday. I hade to take care of everything, all the paper-work, the training and the photos/videos.

Jumping Pull Ups

How many jumping pull ups can you perform in 5 minutes? Resting when necessary.
20 High Pulls Left
20 Push Presses Left
10 Thrusters Left
20 High Pulls Right
20 Push Presses Right
10 Thrusters Right
16 High Pulls Left
16 Push Presses Left
8 Thrusters Left
16 High Pulls Right
16 Push Presses Right
8 Thrusters Right
12 High Pulls Left
12 Push Presses Left
6 Thrusters Left
12 High Pulls Right
12 Push Presses Right
6 Thrusters Right
8 High Pulls Left
8 Push Presses Left
4 Thrusters Left
8 High Pulls Right
8 Push Presses Right
4 Thrusters Right

Monday, December 04, 2006

CrossFit Old City

Day One. 0600.

Great work everyone and we're looking forward to Wed.

Here's a short video:

Friday, December 01, 2006

Good Luck Sharon!

Sharon is running her first Marathon this weekend in Memphis. Kick some major butt!!
5 Ring Dips
5 Pull Ups
20 Med Ball Cleans
20 Swings
400m Run
5 Rounds