Thursday, September 01, 2005

Here's a good one

200 yd sprint
30 bw squats
30 push ups
30 sit ups

200 yd sprint
25 bw squats
25 push ups
25 sit ups

decrease the squats, push ups, and sit ups by 5 each time, and finish with a 200 yd sprint


Zach Even - Esh said...

another good one you crazy kid!! tomorrow I'll hit the sprints, but I need to work on some other stuff to prep for the TSC brudda.

barbell squats, high rep snatches using 1/4 keg with water (not sure of the weight), reverse hypers, band swings, pull ups - all the good stuff

Bring the pain, I mean pleasure :) ha ha


Pamela MacElree said...

I forgot that school had started so I couldn't use the track this morning, instead I subbed in 2 minutes of rope for each 200 yds, 22:12 later.