The person that can name the most legit kettlebell exercises with 1 kettlebell will receive a shiny new " Kettlebell Training for Fitness & Sport" DVD.
And I mean legit, not some crazy stuff like ipsi-quasi-lateral- jumping-lunge while chewing gum drill.
You have until Friday 6:00pm.
If I post them, then someone will steal my list, add one, and win. I am emailing them now, but if you want them on the blog just tell me....
The Kettlebell Swing and The Snatch Pull
As Steve K would say there are only two- the jerk and the snatch. I say there is only one- the clean and jerk
Well, I have to say the TGU and side press and the windmill.
I love the TGU, swing, and push press (dip---drive)
So far Damien has this one in the bag.
A few more hours to go.
Offset pushup to
squat clean to
thruster to
(thats really enough
but to be stupid...)
ohs to side press to windmill to
swing to snatch to tgu to
weighted pullup!
HA...that was fun
Damien has been disqualified for listing 'curls' as an exercise.
Clean & Press
What else do you really need?
Sam was telling me just last week that nothing gets his biceps more pumped up for the beach than a nice set of curls!!!!! But I take my diqualification happily. I can't believe you let lateral shoulder raises go...
No doubt that the KB exercises listed are legit, foundational, and enough to get the job done, however, think outside the box as well.
Jerry has done an awesome job with that. Big picture.
Curl KB's. Nothing better. Nothing. You will not believe Jason's WOD this AM. 250 KB curls for Time..each arm/gun
He said "Do not tell Pam"
I loved it. Nothing gets the guns burning like that WOD. Just in time for the weekend on the beach in my speedo.
snatch/swing pull, clean, snatch, under the leg pass, jerk, clean and jerk, jump shrug, military press, floor pullover and press, goodmorning, side press, bent press, windmill, turkish getup (squat or lunge), front squat, pistol,push press, sots press, seesaw press, KB row, overhead KB squats, double KB windmill.... and to double up all of these can be done with one or 2 hands
void my double KB windmill, I just got carried away! thanks
So who won?
Jeanette won!
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