Monday, June 18, 2007

061807 WOD



Swings Left
Swings Right
Pledge Push Ups
Walking Lunges (per leg)
Push Presses Left
Push Presses Right
Sit Ups

Sam 29:01
Goose 29:04


Pamela MacElree said...

Who's ready for tonight's bike WOD?

7:30 sharp, be ready!

Sam Lepore said...


Jay Mills said...

Well? I'm curious...

Pamela MacElree said...

The bike WOD was great, we had a lot of fun!

Sam Lepore said...

Pam's pull-ups could of been better but we had a good time. LOL!

Pamela MacElree said...

Sam you know what happens when you start fibbing in public...

I'm not worried though because I know we have the video of everyone doing pull ups and how excellent my kipping pull ups looked.

Jay Mills said...

You should find a pull up bar high enough to reach while seated on the bike. Ride laps that end under the bar and do pull ups at the end or beginning of the lap...with the bike attached!

Assuming you have clipless pedals.

Anonymous said...

A bike WOD? what did that consist of?(seeing that the du is my area of expertise, I'm exceedingly curious!!)

Sam Lepore said...

I was kidding. Pam's Pull-ups were rocking!

Pamela MacElree said...

Jodi, we did 30 kettlebell swings, 30 pull ups, 2.5 mile ride, 15 kettlebell swings, 15 pull ups, 2.5 mile ride.