Friday, March 09, 2007

Kettlebell Athletics or Abecrombie & Fitch

Tomorrow's WOD:

10 Snatches R/ 10 Snatches L

400 Meter Run

8 Snathces R/ 8 Snatches L

400 Meter Run

so until 2.

For time:

P.S. If anyone can name that handsome kettlebell athlete soon to be baseball pro, you'll earn yourself a new Kettlebell Athletics Longsleeve T.


Jason C. Brown said...

That's what I'm asking you. You might have met him.

Dawn said...

Is it your nephew?

Pamela MacElree said...

what's the name Dawn not the relation?

Dawn said...


Dawn said...
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Dawn said...

Once Jason told a story about how his nephew came to workout but was too distracted by Pam's arsh (aka booty, aka tank.) The guy in the pic looks alot like Jason so I assumed it was him. :)

Jason C. Brown said...

Dawn has a new T-shirt.

Pamela MacElree said...

jason and his stories, he tells a lot of them, ha ha.

floria is great but still miss you guys.

i'll report back on my jupiter crossfit experience later today.

Pamela MacElree said...

Sonz was fun.Today's WOD was an obstacle course. FUN ! FUN!