They're great for cleans, thrusters, and wall ball but they don't hold up to med ball slams.
Today's WOD
6am Crew
15 minutes of...
30 walking lunges, 20 burpees, 20 push ups, 30 sit ups, 20 jump squats, 40ft crab walk
4 minutes rest
12 minutes of...
30 walking lunges, 20 burpees, 20 push ups, 30 sit ups, 20 jump squats, 40ft crab walk
9am Crew
15 minutes of...
20 push ups, 30 walking lunges, 30 sit ups, 30 jumping pull ups, 20 burpees, 20 jump squats
4 minutes rest
12 minutes of...
20 push ups, 30 walking lunges, 30 sit ups, 30 jumping pull ups, 20 burpees, 20 jump squats
Friday, January 12, 2007
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The 6am crew got the following number of rounds in per movement (the first 15 minutes)...
30 Walking Lunges
Pat 3, Carla 2, Jeanette 2, Catlyn 2, Lauri 4, Ines 3, chey 3, Latonza 3, Erik 2, Dan 2, Janine 3, Wil 3, Judy 3, Sam 2, Kathy 3
20 Burpees
Judy2, Lauri 4, Carla 1, Wil 3, Dan 3, Jeanette 2, LaTonza 1, Catlyn 2, Kathy 1, Chey 1, Janine 2, Pat 2, Erik 2, Sam 2, Ines 1, Carla 1
20 Push Ups
Carla 2, LaTonza 2, Erik 6, Jeanette 2, Lauri 4, Wil 3, Dan 2, Catlyn 4, Kathy 1, Janine 2, Judy 2, Pat 3, Chey 2, Sam 3, Ines 2
30 Sit Ups
Erik 3, LaTonza 2, Lauri 4, Jeanette 3, Pat 2, Ines 3, Carla 2, Judy 2, Dan 3, Catlyn 2, Janine 2, Wil 3, Chey 2, Sam 3, Kathy 1
20 Jump Squats
Chey 2, Erik 4, Pat 2, Judy 3, Lauri 4, Jeanette 2, Dan 3, Ines 4, Carla 2, LaTonza 2, Catlyn 2, Janine 2, Wil 3, Sam 2, Kathy 1
Crab Walk
Lauri 4, Ines 2, Jeanette 2, Erik 1, Chey 1, Pat 2, Wil 2, Dan 3, LaTonza 2, Catlyn 2, Janine 3, Judy 2, Carla 1/2, Sam 2
The goal assigned the 2nd round was to get the same number with 3 less minutes on the clock.
(the next 12 minutes)
30 Walking Lunges
Jeanette 2, Erik2, Judy 2, Lauri 4, LaTonza 2, Catlyn 2, Wil 2, Pat 2, Sam 1, Dan 2, Chey 2, Carla 1, Ines 2, Janine 3, Kathy 1
20 Burpees
Lauri 3, Erik 1, Judy 2, Wil 2, Pat 2, Sam 1, Dan 2, Catlyn 1, Jeanette 2, LaTonza 1, Kathy 1, Carla 1, Ines 2, Janine 3
20 Push Ups
LaTonza 3, Catlyn 3, Erik 5, Jeanette 2, Lauri 3, Wil 2, Chey 2, Carla 2, Judy 2, Pat 3, Sam 1, Dan 3, Kathy 1, Ines 2, Janine 2
30 Sit Ups
Jeanette 2, Catlyn 2, Judy 2, LaTonza 1, Lauri 4, Erik 2, Wil 2, Carla 2, Chey 2, Pat 2, Dan 2, Sam 1, Kathy 1, Ines 2, Janine 3
20 Jump Squats
Erik 5, Carla 2, Chey 4, Judy 3, Lauri 4, Jeanette 2, Wil 2, Pat 2, Dan 2, Sam 1, Catlyn 3, LaTonza 1, Kathy 1, Ines 2, Janine 3
Crab Walk
Pat 2, LaTonza 2, Chey 1, Carla 1, Judy 2, Jeanette 2, Lauri 4, Wil 3, Sam 1, Dan 2, Kathy 1, Ines 2, Janine 3
*Wil wore a 20lbs weight vest for the entire workout.
Wil soy muy macho.
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