Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

You may have already seen this image at Fit Force Camp, but we thought it was great and wanted to share. Children are impressionable and follow by example. Here Jerry's girls not only think that Dad's new kettlebell is awesome, they want to pick it up, they want to move it, and they want to do it because their dad does.

In today's society of television, fast food, playstation, and other such additions to laziness, we should be concerned with the health and well being of not only our generation but those of our children and our children's children.

Let your children play, and play with them, they may be able to teach you a few things.

Today's WOD
10 Snatches L/R
10 Pull Ups
9 Snatches L/R
9 Pull Ups
8 Snatches L/R
8 Pull Ups
Continue down by 1 to
1 Snatch L/R
1 Pull Up

1 comment:

Jason C. Brown said...

Actually Carrie, Pamela write this one.