Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Boys!

4 Rounds
20 Med Ball Cleans
20 Push Ups
20 Snatches
20 Wall Ball Shots

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New Session - Dec 4th - 2 Locations

Start moving before the holidays catch up to you. With 2 locations you'll have more versatility in times to get your workouts in.
Mt. Airy - 7224 Germantown Ave, Rear, Philadelphia
Old City - 213 New St, Philadelphia
2 Rounds 25 Reps Each
Box Jumps
Jumping Pull Ups
Snatches (all left 1st round/all right 2nd round)
High Pulls
Med Ball Slams
Knees to Elbows
Sit Ups

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Happy Birthday Eve

Eve's Birthday WOD
9 rounds of 6
Pull Ups
Weighted Step Ups

Monday, November 27, 2006

Second Location!

Starting December 4th we'll be conducting workouts at a second location, 213 New Street, Philadelphia, in Old City.

Mon, Wed, and Fri 6am

When you register for the group workouts you can attend at either location, Mt. Airy or Old City.

3 Jerks, using 2 KBs, 2 DBs, or a BB
3 Ring Dips
10 Rounds

Friday, November 24, 2006

Pre Turkey Workout

Nice job everyone on yesterday's workout. It was so nice to see you all before you met up with your families for the day.


20 Knees to Elbows
20 Cleans
20 Push Ups

4 Rounds

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanksgiving Day Workout

Come in at 8am and get a good workout before Turkey Day begins.

This one's on us.

Hope to see you in the morning.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

What are the chances?

It isn't uncommon to see our CFP shirts on a few people throughout the day, but when four people show up in Kettlebell Athletics Shirts for the same workout, we had to catch it on film.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Pull Ups & Burpees at Mile 23

Carnage doing pull ups and burpees at mile 23 of his marathon two weeks ago. Coached by no other than The Great One. Both Carnage and The Great One have requested challenge workouts to train for, if anyone else is interested in a challenge workout to train for please let us know.

Here's a WOD in their honor...

20 Pull Ups
1600m Run
50 Burpees
1200m Run
10 Pull Ups
800m Run
50 Burpees
400m Run
20 Pull Ups

Friday, November 17, 2006

Thanksgiving Day Workout

Make your own paralettes to do push up variations, l-sit progressions, handstand variations and much more.

Thanksgiving Day Workout 8am sharp at CrossFit Philly. We will be closed on Friday.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

11/16/06 WOD

50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of...



Box Jumps

Jumping Pull Ups

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

O Lifting Workshop Dec 3, 2006

Olympic Lifting Workshop on Sunday, December 3, 2006 from 9am - 12pm at CrossFit Philly. Led by USA Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach Randy Hauer.

Learn basic barbell Olympic Lifts and Assistance Exercises.

Only $75

Spaces are very limited. Register Here!

11/14/06 WOD

30 Sec : 60 Sec : 30 Sec Rounds

Box Jumps, Ring Rows, Box Jumps, Thrusters, Push Ups, WoodyBag Shouldering, Jumping Lunges, Squats, Jumping Pull Ups, WoodyBag Shouldering, Reverse Lunges, Jumping Pull Ups, Thrusters, Sit Ups

7 min : 14 min : 7 min of work, rest 60 sec between rounds

Monday, November 13, 2006


We're borrowing this from our friend, Alwyn Cosgroves blog at:

More and more evidence in support of High Intensity Interval Training.

The Afterburn Effect
Here's a study I looked at recently and mentioned at the last seminar I taught:
====Schuenke MD, Mikat RP, McBride JM.Effect of an acute period of resistance exercise on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC): implications for body fat management.Eur J Appl Physiol 2002 Mar;86(5):411-7This group looked at the effects of circuit weight training on EPOC.The exercise routine consisted of three exercises (the bench press, the power clean and the squat), performed with 10RM loads as a circuit. The circuit was performed four times (i.e. twelve total sets) and took 31 mins.EPOC was elevated for 38 hours post workout (possibly longer as this was when the researchers stopped measuring). The duration and magnitude of the EPOC observed in this study indicates the importance of the role of high intensity resistance training in a fat loss program.====This type of information should go a long way in helping fitness professionals design and implement effective fat loss programs. It's not the workout - it's the effect of that workout on EPOC.I call this Afterburn - metabolic disturbance. Craig Ballantyne calls this Turbulence. but we're talking about the same thing - elevating EPOC to maximize caloric burn for the other 23+ hours per day. Is there much of a real world effect of burning 300 calories per workout (e.g. aerobic work) if I don't elevate EPOC?If we could elevate EPOC even an apparently insignificant 1/4 of a calorie per minute for the 38 hours that the study showed, then that 31 minute resistance training workout would burn X calories during the session plus an extra 570 calories over the next 38 hours. That becomes significant.In the past - fitness professionals and researchers have looked at how much fat is burned during the exercise session itself. This is extremely short-sighted.As my colleague Alan Aragon said:
"Caring how much fat is burned during training makes as much sense as caring how much muscle is built during training."Think about that. If we looked at a weight training session that started at 9am and finished at 10am - how much muscle would we see built if we stopped looking at 10am? None.In fact - we'd see muscle damage. We could make the conclusion that weight training does not increase muscle - in fact it decreases muscle right? It's only when we look at the big picture - and look at the recovery from the session - that we find the reverse is true - weight training builds muscle.Fat loss training is the same way. Someone talking about the benefits of the "fat burning zones" or "fasted cardio" is a sure sign that the individual has stopped looking at the end of the exercise session. They have come to the conclusion that fasted, lower intensity steady state exercise burns the most fat and made a massive leap of faith to suggest it is best for real world fat loss.Using that same logic these same people would suggest avoiding weight training if you want to grow muscle.Take home message - focus on the Afterburn effect not just what happens during the exercise session.--ACPS - My question is - could we get ANOTHER EPOC boost if we train less than 38 hours later? Could we raise an already elevated metabolism further? These are the questions that keep me up at night.

11/13/06 WOD

Dan Gordon celebrating his 56th birthday with a CrossFit Philly workout, surrounded by friends, family, cake and ice cream.
Jerk 3L/R
Pull Ups 3
Snatch 3L/R
Dips 3
10 Rounds

Friday, November 10, 2006

Happy Birthday to the USMC

46 Squats
46 Push Ups
46 Sit Ups
46 Pull Ups
400m Run
46 Squats
46 Push Ups
46 Sit Ups
46 Pull Ups
800m Run
46 Squats
46 Push Ups
46 Sit Ups
46 Pull Ups
400m Run
46 Squats
46 Push Ups
46 Sit Ups
46 Pull Ups
700m Run
46 Squats
46 Push Ups
46 Sit Ups
46 Pull Ups
1 Squat
1 Push Up
1 Sit Up
1 Pull Up

Thursday, November 09, 2006

11/09/06 WOD

Jake, smiling through a kettlebell workout with his mom.
7 Rounds
30 Jumping Pull Ups
15 Burpees

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

11/07/06 WOD

Happy Birthday Dan!

10 Rounds
10 Swings
10 Push Ups
10 Snatches
10 Dips

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Trick or Treat

Maya can kettlebell, can you?
New Camp Session starts on Monday!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Take it Easy

Enjoy the warm days before they go.

Run a slow 5K.

Looking a Little Too Easy Ladies!

I think you'll be using a heavier kettlebell next time, for these syncronized swings.

5 Deadlifts
10 Jump Squats
5 Deadlifts
10 Jump Squats
15 Push Ups
5 Deadlifts
10 Jump Squats
15 Push Ups
20 Reverse Lunges
5 Deadlifts
10 Jump Squats
15 Push Ups
20 Reverse Lunges
25 Pull Ups

Thursday, November 02, 2006

11/02/06 WOD

Take 5 different weights and line them up in descending order. Starting with the heaviest weight, perform 15 snatches on the left side with all 5 weights. After each set of snatches alternate between 10 burpees and 10 push ups. Perform 15 snatches on the right side with all 5 weights. After each set of snatches alternate between 10 burpees and 10 push ups.

It would look something like this...
28kg 15 snatches left
10 burpees
24kg 15 snatches left
10 push ups
20kg 15 snatches left
10 burpees
16kg 15 snatches left
10 push ups
12kg 15 snatches left
10 burpees

Repeat doing the snatches on your right side.