Tuesday, August 15, 2006

08/15/06 WOD


40 Swings

40 Box Jumps

40 Push Presses

40 Knees to Elbows

40 Reverse Lunges

40 Shoulder to Shoulder Thrusters

40 Push Ups

40 Med Ball Slams

40 Overhead Throws

40 Sit Ups


Pamela MacElree said...

Not sure if I did well or sucked wind.

24kg KB for Swings
18" Box for Jumps
20lb DBs for PP
Knees to Elbows 8 sets of 5
Lunges as rx'd
Shoulder Thrusters 35lb bag 4 sets of 10
PU 4 sets of 10 (weak)
15lb Ball for Slams
35lb bag for Throws
Sit Ups as rx'd

Pamela MacElree said...

Rancheetah, this workout commenced around 9:45am this morning. You must have missed the class where I worked out with everyone. I guess we'll have to do it again.

Glad to hear you're feeling good and happy to see you back.

Thanks for the votes Cathy.