Wednesday, August 09, 2006

08/09/06 WOD

10 Push Ups
20 Walking Swings Downhill
20 Walking Swings Uphill
10 Push Ups
15 Walking Lunges Downhill
15 Walking Lunges Uphill
10 Push Ups
10 Push Ups
10Walking Swings Downhill
10 Walking Swings Uphill
10 Push Ups
5 Walking Lunges Downhill
5 Walking Lunges Uphill


Pamela MacElree said...

Coupled this in with some other stuff today. Worked outside as it was beautiful!

The hill got me good, something to work on.

Pamela MacElree said...

Hi Jay

I did mine bw, but weighted is awesome, nice work.

We're working on a group workout weekend, I'll let you know when we've finalized the date.