Thursday, August 10, 2006

08/10/06 WOD

"This was a rough one."
Every minute one the minute for 24 minutes perform 30 total reps of the following movements, swings, clean, snatch, push ups
In the first minute do swings, in the second do cleans, in the third do snatches, in the fourth do push ups, in the fifth minute start over with swings.


Pamela MacElree said...

Hey Cate!

I stayed with the 16kg for the whole workout. It was probably too light for the swings and cleans, but not for the snatches, at that pace, which was hard to keep by the third round.

Today was the day I realized that I equally love and hate push ups.

Pamela MacElree said...


20 total reps, sorry I didn't catch that on your post Cate.

Pamela MacElree said...

Wow Cate, that is awesome work!!!

Looks like I should kick it up a notch.