Monday, March 13, 2006


Perform with one arm, then the other. Use a DB or KB.

1 Deadlift
1 High-Pull
1 Snatch

2 Deadlifts
2 High-Pulls
2 Snatches

3 Deadlifts
3 High-Pulls
3 Snatches

4 Deadlifts
4 High-Pulls
4 Snatches

5 Deadlifts
5 High-Pulls
5 Snatches.


Pamela MacElree said...

That's great time Jay!

20kg kb, 4:48

Followed by

3 x 5, 10 C & P

3 x 10 C & Front Squat

2 - 16 kg kbs

Pamela MacElree said...


What do you mean by spot fatique?

Pamela MacElree said...

Jay, it sounds like muscle fatique, maybe a good rest day tomorrow wouldn't hurt.