Wednesday, March 08, 2006

3/8/06 WOD

15 Lateral Thursters
10 Push Ups
Work for 3 minutes
Rest for 1 minute
20 minutes total


Pamela MacElree said...
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Pamela MacElree said...


Lateral thrusters, start with the weight shouldered (depending on what you are using) and feet in a squat stance.

Assume that you will start by moving to your right. Squat, on the ascent from the squat step in with the left foot and simultaneously press the weight overhead. (Now the weight is overhead and feet are together) Step out with the right foot and squat while lowering the weight from overhead.

Similar lower body movement to the lateral kb swing.

Let me know if that doesn't clarify it.


Pamela MacElree said...

Essentially yes.