Friday, March 03, 2006

3/3/06 WOD

10L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
9L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
8L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
7L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
6L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
5L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
4L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
3L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
2L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
1L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
Perform all movements of one set with one arm before switching to the other. Post to comments.


Pamela MacElree said...

16kg kb


10-8, rest, 7, rest, 6-1

killed my grip

Pamela MacElree said...

Just a little but I didn't want to scare anyone off.

A friend had me try this after I told him to do this workout. I didn't think it'd be that hard but go figure it was. Hang with one hand from a pull up bar for 30 seconds.

I only last 17 seconds on the ring and 7 seconds on one of our think pull up bars.