Friday, March 31, 2006

3/31/06 WOD

The Kettlebell Power Bomb at the USC Seminar
3/31/06 WOD
3 Rounds
30 High Pulls
30 Box Jumps
30 Med Ball Thrusters

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

3/29/06 WOD

5 Rounds
20 Box Jumps
20 Push Ups
20 Thrusters

Monday, March 27, 2006

3/27/06 WOD

40 Wall Ball Shots, 40 Med Ball Slams

30 Wall Ball Shots, 30 Med Ball Slams

20 Wall Ball Shots, 20 Med Ball Slams

10 Wall Ball Shots, 10 Med Ball Slams

Saturday, March 25, 2006

East Coast Kettlebell Conference

Check out this line up

Jeff Martone
Steve Cotter
Zach Even-Esh
Jason C. Brown
Pamela MacElree

All together for the first time, for two entire days of high-quality, hands-on kettlebell action like you've never seen before. Right here at CFP!

We've got an early bird rate up, but only until the end of the month, once April 1st rolls around the price is going up, no joke.

Go here for more details on the more than 16 hours of instruction:

Fireman Carries

Go to the track with your training partner.

Fireman carry your training partner for 400 meters, then switch. Run 400 meters together and then repeat as many times as you can.

You can put your partner down as often as necessary but your goal is to go 400 meters with no rest. Once you can go 400 meters increase the distance to 800 meters.

This is brutal work and you must trust the person you train with.

Friday, March 24, 2006

3/24/06 WOD

Push Press 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
OH Squat 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Increase the weight as the reps decrease.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Bottom to bottom tabata squats and push ups.
squat for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds for 4 minutes
push ups for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds for 4 minutes

The rest for squats is the bottom position of the squat, don't bring your butt up and don't rest your arms on your legs. The rest for push ups is the bottom position of the push up. Count your reps each time.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Thursday, March 16, 2006

3/16/06 WOD

5 Rounds
10 Hanging Leg Raises
10 Sit-Ups
10 Squats
10 Jump Squats

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

3/15/06 WOD

10 L/R Snatches
10 Dips
9 L/R Snatches
9 Dips

Work your way down to
1 L/R Snatches
1 Dip

Monday, March 13, 2006


Perform with one arm, then the other. Use a DB or KB.

1 Deadlift
1 High-Pull
1 Snatch

2 Deadlifts
2 High-Pulls
2 Snatches

3 Deadlifts
3 High-Pulls
3 Snatches

4 Deadlifts
4 High-Pulls
4 Snatches

5 Deadlifts
5 High-Pulls
5 Snatches.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Next Group Workout

Just a reminder for the busy calendars:

The next CFP group workout will be on

Saturday, April 8th at 10 am.

All are welcome to attend. This is a great chance to introduce someone to CrossFit that has been skeptical or unsure. After the workout you're more than welcome to stick around and chat with everyone or offer up a challenge.

We hope to see you there!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

3/11/06 WOD

Run 400m

15 Push Ups

4 times

Friday, March 10, 2006

3/10/06 WOD

Go outside Philly!!!!!!
20 Squats, 10 Push Ups, 10 Burpees
10 Rounds

Thursday, March 09, 2006

3/9/06 WOD

Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes perform a
Dbl Clean, Press L, Press R, Dbl Press, Front Squat

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

3/8/06 WOD

15 Lateral Thursters
10 Push Ups
Work for 3 minutes
Rest for 1 minute
20 minutes total

Saturday, March 04, 2006

3/4/06 WOD

500 squats for time
250 push ups for time

Friday, March 03, 2006

3/3/06 WOD

10L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
9L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
8L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
7L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
6L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
5L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
4L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
3L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
2L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
1L/R high pulls, cleans, and swings
Perform all movements of one set with one arm before switching to the other. Post to comments.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Deck Squats 10
Burpees 10
Jump Squats 10
Push Ups 10

5 Rounds