Thursday, November 10, 2005

11/11/05 WOD

30 Cleans
30 Push-ups
30 High-Pulls
20 Cleans
20 Push-ups
20 High-Pulls
10 Cleans
10 Push-ups
10 High-Pulls

For Time:


Pamela MacElree said...

Ok, so I should have known better that this was 30 total and not 30L/R etc. Nonetheless I did 30L/R, 20L/R, 10L/R cleans and high pulls with the 20kg. I had to take a 10 minute nap.


Zach Even - Esh said...

Dude - aren't you ashamed of yourself to lock that kid in a garage and force him to do cardio on a big wheel, plus dodge attacking dogs, plus lift weights??

Shame on you Jason C Brown!!

buahaha ha ha ha
