Tuesday, June 13, 2006

06/13/06 WOD

100 High Pulls, 50 Push Ups

90 High Pulls, 45 Push Ups

80 High Pulls, 40 Push Ups

70 High Pulls, 35 Push Ups

60 High Pulls, 30 Push Ups

50 High Pulls, 25 Push Ups

40 High Pulls, 20 Push Ups

30 High Pulls, 15 Push Ups

20 High Pulls, 10 Push Ups

10 High Pulls, 5 Push Ups


Pamela MacElree said...

Hi, It's the lunatic!

16kg KB

Sets 100-50 of the High Pulls were split in half.
Sets 40-10 of the high pulls were done straight through.
All push up sets were split in reps of 20, 15, and 10 where and when needed.

Jason C. Brown said...

All sets broken.

32:17. I'm dead.

Pamela MacElree said...

Funny thought.

Those of you that came to camp last might actually only did about a 1/3 of the WOD.

Will we see you in here to do the whole thing?

Pamela MacElree said...

Split or broken, generally means that the entire set of reps was not completed without rest.

For example, when I did the 100 high pulls, I did 50 took a 10 seconds breather and finished the second fifty.


As of right now the invitation to do this WOD was a trial. Sometimes the schedule permits and sometimes it does not, when it does I will let you know, however, I will probably only mention it during camp sessions.

Jason C. Brown said...


A 36lb KB? Not sleeping well?

Jason C. Brown said...

Sharon's time...

Started with the 12kg, switched the 8kg.

All High Pull sets unbroken.
Push Ups unbroken except for sets 40, 45, 50.
