Thursday, April 06, 2006

Are you ready for Saturday?

04/06/06 WOD
10 L/R High Pulls
20 Tuck Jumps
9 L/R High Pulls
18 Tuck Jumps
8 L/R High Pulls
16 Tuck Jumps
Work you way down to
1 L/R High Pulls
2 Tuck Jumps


Pamela MacElree said...

Saturday is open to the public?

No charge, no need to be a client. The workout(s) starts at 10 am.

Stick around for a few hours if you have the time to try out a few things, ask questions, eat.

We'll be proposing a few challenges that we can't mention until Saturday morning as well.


Pamela MacElree said...


Should say, Saturday is open to the public!